Claude Sirlin, MD

Liver cancer is one of the deadliest cancers in the world and it is becoming more common in the United States due to liver disease or liver scarring. Patients with liver problems are at risk of developing liver cancer, and if the cancer is found at an early stage, it can be cured. Therefore, patients with liver problems should be screened regularly so that the cancer can be found early. Unfortunately, current screening techniques are not very sensitive and require trips to special imaging centers twice a year. Our work will create a new and better screening tool for early detection of liver cancer that can be used anywhere. By improving the quality and access to better imaging, screening will be more effective and can be done wherever patients need it most, without the need to travel to a hospital or specialized imaging center. We believe that by improving both the quality and access to screening, patients with liver cancer will be found at an earlier stage, allowing for better patient care. Further, easier access to this new screening tool will allow more people to access the healthcare they need.

Location: Moores Cancer Center at UC San Diego Health - California
Proposal: Screening Ultrasound for Early Detection of Liver Cancer
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