Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati, PhD

Funded in collaboration with ESPN

Even if cancer therapeutics and cures were found, they may not benefit African Americans and other under-represented minorities, due in part to a lack of participation in clinical cancer trials and cancer disparities research. Los Angeles has the seventh largest population of Blacks in the United States. Although many may think this population is homogeneous, there are still differences among individuals who identify as Blacks in Los Angeles. This population includes not only individuals born in the U.S. of African ancestry, but also foreign-born including of African or Afro-Caribbean origin. If we are to truly achieve “Victory over Cancer”, under-represented minorities, including all segments of the African American community need to engage in the research process. This grant will allow for holding focus groups with various segments of the AA community, achieving a greater understanding of barriers to CT and acceptance of precision medicine research. We will be able to obtain information for the creation of an outreach and awareness raising tool kit to work with AA community leaders, faith based and other organizations, in advancing knowledge and changing attitudes towards CT participation, provision of biospecimens and inclusion of AA communities in cancer disparities research.  

Location: USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center - California
Proposal: Optimizing Enrollment of Blacks living in Los Angeles County in Clinical Cancer Trials: Engaging African Americans and African Nationals
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