Partner Since 2018

UFC’s Annual Fight Night holds special significance as it is dedicated to the V Foundation and their Stuart Scott Memorial Cancer Research Fund. Established in memory of Stuart Scott, a beloved ESPN personality who lost his battle with cancer in 2015, the event is named ‘Fight Like Hell Night’ and features Stuart Scott-related content and personal cancer stories from the UFC community. The focus is on emphasizing the importance of supporting cancer research as Scott who had a profound connection to mixed martial arts, continued to train during his treatments.

During this annual event, the UFC generously donates $100,000 to life-saving research supported by the Stuart Scott Memorial Cancer Research Fund. This fund is specifically aimed at aiding African American, Hispanic, and other minority researchers, and also focuses on investigating the biological factors contributing to the disproportionate impact of certain cancers on minority populations.

Furthermore, the UFC encourages fans to contribute to this vital cause during the ESPN broadcast, as it serves as an important funding pillar of the V Foundation’s Annual V Week.

Stuart Scott training

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