Becoming a Partner

Thank you for your interest in partnering with the V Foundation for Cancer Research. We can all make an impact in the fight against cancer, and progress requires partners like you. A partnership with the V Foundation supports awareness and provides fundraising for critical cancer research. It also has a proven positive impact on your business.

How to Get Started

Understanding the business objectives of our partners is important to successful and sustained collaborations. There are many ways we work with our partners. Corporate partnerships, event sponsorships, cause marketing campaigns.

All Corporate Partner Guidelines

The V Foundation for Cancer Research encourages all companies to inquire about cause marketing partnerships. The link below provides some useful information for your consideration when determining the best way to structure your cause marketing program.

Cause Marketing

The V Foundation has a strict corporate governance policy which precludes the organization from pursuing partnerships in certain categories as follows:

  • Drugs
  • Dangerous products/Firearms
  • Sexually explicit materials and products
  • Tobacco

For further information, please contact us directly at (919) 380-9505 or e-mail at

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